目的探讨^(18)F-脱氧葡萄糖(FDG)PET/CT 显像各种伪影的影像学表现及其产生的原理。方法回顾性分析^(18)F-FDG PET/CT 检查患者的图像,根据伪影产生的原因进行分类,同时对临床不常见的生理性摄取进行分析。结果伪影分为自身因素和设备技术因素伪影,自身因素所致伪影中以呼吸运动伪影和高密度物质伪影最为常见;设备因素伪影中以截断伪影、注射点外漏和放射性污染最为常见。不常见的生理性摄取包括:子宫内膜摄取、乳腺摄取和脂肪摄取。结论 PET 显像伪影影像学表现可分为“热区”或“冷区”。不常见的生理性摄取主要表现为“热区”。伪影产生原因中以 CT 应用于 PET 显像后物理学因素多见。不常见的生理性摄取与检查技术有关。
Objective To explore the artifact and infrequent physiological uptake in PET/CT with its imaging and formation features. Methods The data of PET/CT imaging were retrospectively analyzed and classified based on their cause. Besides, the infrequent physiological uptakes were also analyzed. Re- suits Artifacts could be classified into natural and technological causes. In natural causes, respiratory movement and high-density matters artifacts were frequently found, whereas in technological cause, the truncation, radioactive leakage and pollution commonly appeared. Infrequent physiological uptakes included uterine endometrium, breast and fat uptakes. Conclusions The imaging features of artifact in PET can be divided into "hot" or "cold" area while infrequent physiological uptakes mainly are "hot" area. Among the cause of artifact formation, CT-based attenuation corrected physical factor is the commonest. The infrequent physiological uptake somewhat relates to technological error.
Chinese Journal of Nuclear Medicine