Based on the evidence of Stock A of China, it is addressed that the relationship among the firm external financing, earnings management and future performance. All evidences show that either equity financing or debt financing undertakes earnings management through the normal accruals and abnormal accruals. Prior financing and in financing, there are significant positive abnormal accruals, however, there are significant negative abnormal accruals after financing. It is not observed that equity financing has much more prevalent abnormal accruals than debt financing. Either equity financing or debt financing leads to poor future operating performance after financing, with equity financing having poorer future operating performance. However, from the results it is not clear that firms artificially inflate earnings to a greater extent when issuing equity rather than debt. Therefore the results do not support differential incentive for earnings management for different financing types. It is found that cash flows are more persistent influence on the future earnings than normal accruals, meanwhile, normal accruals are more persistent influence on the future earnings than abnormal accruals.
Journal of Xi’an University of Finance & Economics
external financing
earnings management
future performance