
关于历史制度主义 被引量:7

On Historical Institutionalism
摘要 历史制度主义认为历史是克服人类理性局限性的一个主要途径,他们以历史为手段,从各国历史发展和比较的过程中去探求制度的起源和变迁的不同过程,同时注重以制度为核心来考察历史、分析历史,重新确立了国家在政治发展中的核心地位。历史制度主义强调政治制度对公共政策和政治后果的重要作用,又特别强调政治变量之间的排列方式对政治后果的重大影响。作为新制度主义的一个重要流派,历史制度主义开辟了政治科学研究的新空间,也存在制度涵义的界定过于宽泛、分析问题具有在时空上的滞后性等缺陷和不足。 Historical institutionalism holds that history is an important way to overcome the limitations of human nature. By a historical approach, it has re - established the kernel status of the State in political development, through exploring the origin and vicissitude of the Institution from the perspective of the development of different countries and of a comparison among them, and, at the same time, concerning itself with the Institution as the core in the examination and analysis of history. It not only emphasizes the important effect of political institutions on public policies and political consequences, but, notably, emphasizes the great influence that the arrangement of political variables bears. As an important school of new institutionalism, the historical institutionalism has widened the scope of the research on politics, despite its shortcomings such as defining the term "system" too broadly, as well as its spatial and temporal retardation in analysis.
作者 杨福禄
出处 《山东师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 北大核心 2006年第4期8-12,共5页 Journal of Shandong Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
关键词 政治学 新制度主义 历史制度主义 political science new institutionalism historical institutionalism
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