
柴油车排气颗粒物净化催化剂抗S中毒性能研究 被引量:3

Study of anti-sulfur poisoning of catalysts for particulate removal from diesel exhausts
摘要 用浸渍法制备了一系列的金属氧化物催化剂,并考察了催化剂对柴油车排气中颗粒物的催化燃烧能力和抗S中毒能力.TPO实验结果表明,催化活性大小顺序是Sn-Cu-K-V>Pt-Cu-K-V>N i-Cu-K-V.其中Sn-Cu-K-V催化剂把颗粒物的起燃温度降到了270℃左右.Pt-Cu-K-V和N i-Cu-K-V催化剂对颗粒物的燃烧速率比较快.当反应气中SO2的含量在1.0×10-3以下时,SO2对颗粒物的燃烧有促进作用;当反应气中SO2的含量超过1.0×10-3,催化剂的活性有所下降. A series of metal oxides were prepared by immersion method and their catalytic properties toward the particulate matter combustion and anti-sulfur-poisoning were investigated. The TPO experimental showed that the activity order for particulate matter combustion was Sn-Cu-K-V 〉 Pt-Cu-K-V 〉 Ni-Cu-K-V, and that Sn-Cu- K-V could lower the ignition temperature for particulate matter combustion down to 270℃. Catalysts Pt-Cu-K-V and Ni-Cu-K-V had higher oxidation reaction rate among the catalysts prepared. When the feed gas contained SO: less than 1.0×10^-3 , SO2 could promote the particulate matter combustion, when the feed gas contained more than 1.0 ×10^-3 SO2, the activity of the catalyst decreased lightly.
出处 《广州大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2006年第5期30-32,共3页 Journal of Guangzhou University:Natural Science Edition
基金 广东省科技计划项目(2002A3040304)
关键词 柴油车 颗粒物 催化剂 抗硫性 diesel vehicle particulate matter catalyst anti-sulfur-poisoning property
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