在8月份拉斯维加斯举行的计算机安全会议上,德国DN—Systems计算机安全公司的研究员Lukas Grunwald使用自己开发的RFDump开源软件包和RFID读写器,将他个人德国护照上的RFID标签进行复制,然后将信息写入附有RFID芯片的智能卡上。这个示范引起了有关各方面的关注。
At the conference of computer safety held in Las Vegas,Lukas Grunwald,a consultant at DN-Systems EnterpriseSolutions GmbH in Germany has developed a new tool,RFDump,which is able to rewrite RFID data.Lukas Grunwaldsays the new passports can be easily cloned,making itpossible for details to be altered.This example immediatelyaroused widespread attention from all walks of life,and safetyof RFID used in e-passports is now being questioned bymore and more people,how to understand reality meaningof this matter? In fact,data on e-passports should only beunlocked and replicated according to its original appearanceof the object,and only special cipher codes printed on e-passports can be read.If wanting to read contents of e-passports,someone should firstly obtain anti-counterfeitedcipher codes on passports,it is impossible to leapfrog chipsmounted on e-passports from a long distance and make useof the contents to replicate.Even if using this copies,it isstill impossible to use the faked passports,becauseinformation stored in chips is not align with appearance,ofcourse,we should concentrate on these travelers from othercountries going through automatic routes.