With a relatively smallpopulation of 10 million, Por-tugal has around 2,830km ofcoastline and 620km2 of inlandlakes and waterways.However, it has taken a longtime to realize its true marinemarket potential. And despitesome signs that the infrastruc-ture is improving, red tape isstill hindering growth.Portugal’s recreational ma-rine industry is in danger of be-ing asphyxiated by red tape.
With a relatively small population of 10 million, Portugal has around 2,830km of coastline and 620km of inland lakes and waterways. However, it has taken a long time to realize its true marine market potential. And despite some signs that the infrastructure is improving, red tape is still hindering growth. Portugal' s recreational marine industry is in danger of being asphyxiated by red tape.
Ships & Yachts