
超分辨测向中通道间不一致的校正 被引量:4

Calibration of Channel Mismatch in Super-Resolution Direction Finding
摘要 方位估计在移动通信、电子对抗、雷达等众多领域中占有至关重要的地位。随着科学技术的突飞猛进和电磁环境的日趋复杂,对目标方位估计的要求也日益提高。基于特征分解的空间谱估计测向在理想模型下具有很好的精度和分辨率,然而当模型存在误差时,测向性能会急剧恶化,甚至失效。文中针对通道不一致的问题提出了一种新的校正方法———等价校正法。该方法只要一个校准源,校正效果好,性能稳定,所需运算量也不大。计算机仿真表明,该校准算法行之有效。 Estimation of DOA is very important in many fields, such as mobile communication, ECM and Radar. With the rapid development of science technology and more and more complex electromagnetic circumstance, the requirement of performance of DF(Direction Finding) estimation is more and more high. DF using spatial spectrum estimation based on eigen-decomposition has good precision and high resolution in ideal case, but when the array model has errors, the performance will degrade significantly or lost its power. A new calibration approach, i. e. equivalence calibration, is proposed for channel mismatch. This method needs only one calibration source. Its calibration effect is good, and the calibration performance is stable. What's more, this method doesn't need much computational work. The computer simulation results demonstrate that the paper's method is effective.
出处 《雷达科学与技术》 2006年第5期280-283,共4页 Radar Science and Technology
基金 国防预研项目
关键词 通道失配 失配校准 等价校正法 测向 TLS—ESPRIT算法 channel mismatch mismatch calibration equivalence calibration direction finding TLSESPRIT algorithm
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