
特发性脊柱侧弯与褪黑素的相关性 被引量:1

Correlation between idiopathic scoliosis and melatonin
摘要 目的:根据近年来出现新的脊柱侧弯动物模型的研究近况,探讨松果体切除以及褪黑素在侧弯形成中作用的研究进展。资料来源:应用计算机检索PubMed1959-01/2006-03相关脊柱侧弯方面的文献,检索词“scoliosis,pinealectomy,melatonin”,并限定文献语言种类为English。应用计算机检索中国期刊全国数据库2000-01/2006-03相关脊柱侧弯方面的文献,检索词“脊柱侧弯,褪黑素”,语言种类为中文。资料选择:对资料进行初审,选取包括脊柱侧弯的相关文献,开始查找全文。纳入标准:文献所述内容涉及褪黑素相关脊柱侧弯的动物实验研究,排除标准:综述和重复研究。资料提炼:共检索到褪黑素相关脊柱侧弯动物实验的文献61篇,30篇文献符合纳入标准。资料综合:①松果体切除引发的侧弯与人类特发性脊柱侧弯的相似性:同样有着以右弯为主的特点。②从松果体切除后的小鸡以及大马哈鱼椎体和间盘组织学改变、系列双足鼠实验研究、血清素和5-羟色氨酸对侧弯的治疗作用、血清素在姿势和平衡中的作用这四个方面可以得出一个简单的假设:褪黑素减低造成椎体和间盘结构改变和血清素不足造成的姿势平衡障碍,二者联合在二足动物直立行走状态下将引发侧弯。结论:松果体切除是否造成其他激素或神经递质分泌方面的改变,还没有完全测定。但随着对于褪黑素进一步研究,脊柱侧弯发病机制或许会越来越明朗。 OBJECTIVE: According to the recent research on animal experimental scoliosis, to study and discuss the effects of pinealectomy and melatonin on scoliosis formation. DATA SOURCES: A computer-based online search of PubMed was undertaken for articles about scoliosis published in English between January 1959 and March 2006 with the key words of "scoliosis, pinealectomy, melatonin". Meanwhile, we searched CNKI database for related articles published in Chinese between January 2000 to March 2006 with the key words of "scoliosis, melatonin" in Chinese. STUDY SELECTION: The data were selected firstly to choose the literatures about scoliosis and look up the full text. Inclusive criteria: Researches about animal experimental scoliosis correlated to melatonin. Exclusive criteria: Repetitive research and review articles. DATA EXTRACTION: All 61 articles on the animal experimental scoliosis were collected, and 30 articles were accorded with the inclusive criteria. DATA SYNTHESIS: (1)Similarity of scoliosis caused by pinealectomy and human idiopathic scoliosis: They both have the right curves. (2)From the vertebral and intercalated disc histological changes of chicken and salmon after pinealectomy, serial experimental researches of both feet rats, curative effects of 5-hydroxytrypatmine (5-HT) and 5-hydroxytryptophan on scoliosis and effect of 5-HT on the posture and balance, we deduce one simple hypothesis: Melatonin decreases the posture balance disturbance caused by structural change of vertebral body and intercalated disc, which may result in scoliosis in animals walking upright on two legs. CONCLUSION: Whether the pinealectomy alters other hormone secretion or neural transmitter secretion is not determined. However, with the further research on melatonin, the mechanism of the scoliosis will be more and more clear.
出处 《中国临床康复》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第44期89-92,共4页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation
基金 吉林省自然科学基金项目(2005051664)~~
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