

Effect of sildenafil on cardiovascular patients with erectile dysfunction:A review of recent researches
摘要 目的:综述西地那非对治疗患有勃起功能障碍的心血管患者的研究进展,讨论该药物使用的安全性及对相关心血管疾病治疗的有效性。资料来源:应用计算机在线检索PubMed数据库1999-10/2006-02的文章,检索词为“sildenafil,erectiledysfunction,sexuality,cardiovas-culardisease”。限定文章语种为英文。同时计算机检索Medscape数据库相关文章,限定语种为英文,检索词为“sildenafil,cardiovasculardisease”。资料选择:对资料进行初审,选取关于西地那非与心血管疾病关系研究的文献并查找全文,排除与心血管疾病无关的性功能障碍研究的文献,排除重复性的实验研究。资料提炼:共收集到55篇相关文献,其中22篇符合纳入标准并仔细阅读全文。资料综合:22篇文献分别按照性功能障碍与心血管疾病的关系、西地那非对心脏病患者治疗性功能障碍的效用以及普林斯顿共识会的建议进行归类。结论:大量研究文献表明使用西地那非引发心血管疾病的潜在可能性相对较低,心脏病患者在治疗性功能障碍时不必过于担忧。目前有实验证明西地那非对治疗心血管疾病有积极作用的趋势,但有待进一步研究。 OBJECTIVE: To summarize the development of researches on sildenafil for treating cardiovascular patients with erectile dysfunction, so as to explore the safety of applying sildenafil and efficacy of treating related cardiovascular diseases. DATA SOURCES: The relevant articles to sildenafil between October 1999 and February 2006 were computer-searched in PubMed database with the key words of "sildenafil, erectile dysfunction, sexuality, cardiovascular disease" in English. Meanwhile, Medseape database was scanned with computer to identify relevant articles with key words of "sildenafil, cardiovascular disease". STUDY SELECTION: After the primary searching, literatures on relationship between sildenafil and cardiovascular disease were searched in full-text, while articles about erectile dysfunction but had nothing to do with cardiovascular disease were excluded. The repetitive experimental studies were also deleted. DATA EXTRACTION: A total of 55 articles were collected, and 22 of them were in accordance with the inclusion criteria and their full-texts were carefully looked through. DATA SYNTHESIS: The selected data were classified according to the relationship between erectile dysfunction and cardiovascular disease, effect of sildenafil on erectile dysfunction of patients with heart disease and recommendation of the Princeton conference. CONCLUSION: It is demonstrated in many literatures that the potential risk of sildenafil triggering cardiovascular disease is relatively small. Cardiac patients need not promote huge concerns when resorting to sildenafil for erectile dysfunction treatment. However, the protective cardiac effects of sildenafil should be further investigated.
出处 《中国临床康复》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第44期219-222,共4页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation
基金 国家自然科学基金(30671790) 广东省自然科学基金(5008365)~~
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