
微型扑翼飞行器气动力估算方法研究 被引量:1

Research of Aerodynamic Computation for Flapping-wing Micro Air Vehicle
摘要 微型扑翼飞行器是国际上的一个新的研究热点,但目前基于低雷诺数的非定常扑翼气动特性尚无精确的计算方法。本文在分析鸟类和昆虫飞行机理的基础上提出了一种新的计算扑翼飞行气动力的方法,这种方法原理简单,计算量不大,易于工程实现,为扑翼飞行器的设计、制作、应用提供了一定的理论依据。 Flapping-wing micro air vehicle (FMAV) is a new research hotspot in the world. But there is no accurate computational method for the unsteady aerodynamics which is based on low Reynolds number of flapping wing. On the basic of analyzing the flight mechanism of birds and insects, this article brings forward a new method to compute the aerodynamic of flapping wing. This method is simple, easy to accomplish and provides some academic directions for the design, fabrication, and application of FMAV.
作者 符冰 侯宇
出处 《航空兵器》 2006年第5期7-11,共5页 Aero Weaponry
关键词 微型扑翼飞行器 扑翼模型 气动力计算 flapping-wing micro air vehicle flapping model aerodynamics computation
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