While people generally worry about unemployment and the pressures on employment in China, the relationship between supply and demand in the labor market has quietly shifted in the opposite direction. First, shortages of migrant workers occurred in coastal areas in 2004 and have not yet been alleviated. Even in some central
While people generally worry about unemployment and the pressures on employment in China, the relationship between supply and demand in the labor market has quietly shifted in the opposite direction. First, shortages of migrant workers occurred in coastal areas in 2004 and have not yet been alleviated. Even in some central provinces the labor market is signaling a shortage of labor. Second, we can observe a trend towards better matching of employment demand and the supply of labor in labor market information networks in different regions. Third, various indicators in the urban labor market also point to a lessening in the pressure of unemployment compared with previous years. This phenomenon is both good news and bad. The growth of the labor market and governmental efforts to create more jobs have had marked success, but they have also aroused concerns: will China encounter the problem of a shortage of labor in the near future?