
康熙三十一年容教诏令初探 被引量:9

A Preliminary Discussion of the Edict of Toleration in the Thirty-First Year of the Kangxi Reign in the Qing Dynasty
摘要 康熙三十年杭州教案爆发,为在华西教士提供了促使清廷解除康熙八年禁教令、重新考虑天主教政策的历史契机。在多方因素影响下,康熙三十一年宽容天主教诏令终于颁布。该诏令不仅为天主教在华活动创造相对宽松的传教环境,而且引起欧洲天主教社会的较广泛关注,刺激了欧洲向中国拓展传教事业。此外,康熙三十一年容教诏令还成为道光二十四年法使喇萼呢与两广总督耆英谈判时,胁迫清廷同意弛禁天主教的一个重要筹码。 In the 30~ th year of the Kangxi reign, an anti-Christian incident occurred in Hangzhou, providing a historical opportunity for the Western missionaries in China to urge the Chinese imperial court to lift the prohibition against Christianity issued in the 8~ th year of the Kangxi reign, and reconsider its policies concerning Christianity. In the 31~ st year of the Kangxi reign, the Edict of Toleration was finally issued in response to various influences, creating a relatively easy environment for the activities of Catholic missionaries in China, and drawing much attention from the European Catholic community. It stimulated further efforts on the part of Europe to preach Christianity in China. The Edict of Toleration was also used as a weighty bargaining counter by the French envoy Marie Melchior Joseph de Lagrené in his negotiations with Qi Ying, the Governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, to press the Chinese imperial court to completely lift the prohibition against Catholicism.
作者 张先清
出处 《历史研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第5期72-87,共16页 Historical Research
基金 全国博士学位论文作者专项资金资助项目(FANEDD) 批准号200517。
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