In the early and middle Qing Dynasty, governors-general and governors had no authorized staff, and the number of authorized officials at the levels of si(司) and dao(道) was also small. Therefore, the mu-fu(private secretariat) actually constituted an informal operational agency. After the reign of Xianfeng and Tongzhi, the number of secretariat offices and administrative offices grew with social changes and the proliferation of government responsibilities. This structural expansion of the administrative power of the office of governors-general and governors exerted pressure upon the budgetary arrangements of the central government. As the weakness of the old pattern became increasingly obvious, local government reform became part of the social reform in the late Qing Dynasty and the non-official private secretariats were integrated into the formal official system. The government was modernized through bureaucratization by means of function-based division of departments, in reference to the system in the Tang and Song dynasties. Private assistants were recruited as authorized officials, and a council was set up as decision-making organ. That was a key, and successful, step in the efforts to modernize the government in the late Qing Dynasty.
Historical Research