本文研究了在1.25×10 ̄(-3)~2.5×10 ̄(-2)mol/L硫酸的稀水溶液中用EDTA返滴定钡测定硫酸根的条件。结果表明:钡可过量0.2~2.2倍,不分离沉淀,无需乙醇等降低沉淀的溶解度,指示剂终点变色较敏锐,测定硫酸根的相对误差小于1.0%。
This paper studies the quantitative analysis of SO(-2)4 in thin H2SO4 from 1. 25 ×10-3 M to 2.5×10-2 with the method of reverse titration Barium by EDTA. The result obtained showes that BaCl2 could be exceeded by a factor of 0. 2 to 2. 2,precipitation of BaSO4 needn't be removed and alcohol needn't be added to decrease the solubility of BaSO4, indicator colour change is rather sharply in the equivalence point, relative error is less than 1. 0%.
Journal of Xinyang Normal University(Natural Science Edition)