

Radical Pacifism——An Analysis of the Nonviolent Thought of Stanley Hauerwas
摘要 哈弗罗斯是当代美国著名的基督教伦理学家,他提出了“激进的和平主义”的思想,其特点主要有三个方面:(1)他的非暴力思想具有纯粹性、彻底性。和平主义被定位为基督教伦理立场的核心所在。(2)其和平立场具有批判性、复杂性。既要超越一般的人道的和平主义,也提醒人们不要轻视战争对人的吸引力。(3)他坚持的是特殊的“末世论”的和平主义。这种坚定的反战立场对依旧随时受到暴力、战争威胁的现代社会很有启发意义。 Stanley Hauerwas is one of the most noted ethicists who has revived Christian virtue ethics and was dubbed as America's best theologian in Time. Among his complex thoughts the title of Radical Pacifism seems to have suggested one of his main themes he tried to tell the world. His theory has three main characteristics: 1. His nonviolent stand is pure and complete. He does not regard pacifism as just one idea of Christian ethics, but as the most important one. For Christians, pacifism is not just a matter of abstract idea discussing whether it is allowed to kill a man in different conditions, but is a call to became the community of peace. Peaceful stand should not be something distinctive from the practice of a special community, and the peaceful information of New Testament should not be divorced from the context of church. 2. His pacifism is critical and complex. Hoping to transcend ordinary humanitarian pacifism, Hauerwas criticized liberalism (the foundation of American society) which regards man as tradition-free, self-concerned, and desire pursuing, and see the coerce as the essence of politics. On the other hand, though a pacifist, Stanley Hauerwas reminded us that we should not take the war in a na? ve view. War has a special role in the formation of virtue. The value of life is not in life itself, but in its being the creation of God. 3. His pacifism is eschatological. It is different from the nuclear war pacifism, which regards the threat of extermination of the world as the base of the peace, the survival of human life as the most important thing. Hauerwas thinks that Christians should not become the witness to the fear of death, since survival is not the most significant value of man. Among his critics, Max Stackhouse criticized Hauerwas sharply, claiming that his idea cannot understand the essence of politics. Gloria Albrecht suggested that Hauerwas' pacifism is still too violent in itself. In fact, Hauerwas has offered a more radical idea o~ church and peace. Church is a radical polis that is very different from the state. We think this Radical Pacifism reminds a world that leans to violent and war to reflect on the significance of peace. This is especially important for Americans who have power to destroy the earth and is likely to launch the serious war in the near future. If they still want to declare their faith in Christianity, they should take the peaceful message serious.
作者 汪建达
出处 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2006年第6期113-119,共7页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Humanities and Social Sciences
关键词 和平主义 哈弗罗斯 基督教社会伦理 末世论 Pacifism Stanley Hauerwas Christian social ethics Eschatology
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