介绍了GE90-30 PLC在加热炉系统改造中的网络拓扑结构,以及其在电气控制、仪表控制中的应用.GE90-30 PLC在加热炉跟踪控制、燃烧控制等系统中表现出良好的控制性能.试投产表明系统稳定性高,能很好的满足工艺要求,为提高产品质量、产量提供了保证.
The network topologic structure associated with the GE90-30 PLC used in the heating furnace system was described, and its applications in the control system for the furnace presented. The GE90-30 PLC was found to have good controlling performance in tracking the furnace system and controUing the burning process. A tentative operation of the system showed that its stability was high, thus could well meet the requirement for the production. As a result, the product's quality was improved, and the production rate increased.
Southern Metals