作者论及引入和应用 CAD 的重要步骤,如:CAD 系统的选择、CAD 应用的组织实施、操作人员的培训、以及软硬件的配置。列举了电路图的绘制和铁路车辆电气设备的三维方案设计两个应用实例,经验证明:在适应性和变型设计中应用CAD,可以提高设计质量和柔性、缩短设计周期。并对 CAD 应用中遇到的问题进行了讨论。
The paper describes the implementation of CAD at AEG Westinghouse Berlin,a company which de- velops and produces electric train equipment.The authors discuss important steps such as preparation of the system site,selection of the type of operation,operating staff se- lection and training,configurating the CAD system' s hardware and software within the company.Examples for CAD application are described,e.g.drawing electri- cal circuits and developing 3D concepts for train equip- ment.The practical use of CAD shows that it is a power- ful tool for improving quality,reducing development and production time and increasing flexibility,particularly when developing train equipment variants,problems which appeared during CAD implementation and use are also discussed.
Chinese Journal of Engineering Design