Objective: To establish and analysis maps of two - dimensional difference gel electrophoresis for proteomic study of hyperplasia of mammary glands. Methods: Normal mammary gland.s and surgically reseeted hyperplasia of mananary glands constitution were homogenized with lysis solution. The extracts were labeled with Cy3 or Cy5 randoudy, Each Cy3 - labeled sample and Cy5 - labeled sample were mixed on the santa 2 - D gel along with a Cy2 - labeled mixture of all samples as an internal standard. The gels were respectively imaged by Typhoon 9400 using different emission filter and spot - features were analyzed by DeCyder software in each paired normal/disease comparison. Result: 12 unique proteins that were changing in abundance more than 1,4 folder up wiile 3 proteins decreased more titan i .4 folder down between normal mammary glands and surgically resected hyperplasia of mammary glands constitution. Conclusions: using DIGE technology with internal standard, statistically significant quantitative comparisons of each protein abundance change could be made across multiple samples simultaneously without interference due to gel - to - gel variation, And these 15 proteins might be involved in the process of hyperplasia of mammary glands.
Progress in Modern Biomedicine