Zhang Jie's famous short story Love Is Not to Be Forgotten had led to heated debates at the turn from the 1970s to the 1980s. By deeming the short story as a caricature fiction version of growth, this paper aims to reinterpret it in the context of the then society and its corresponding literary history order. It is pointed out that while the growth of revolutionaries is touched upon in the short story, some changes have been made concerning the persons in the love section of the growth story, thereby having completed the account of and compensation for the love of revolutionaries, which accounts for various debates over the short story. By probing into the continuity and dissimilarity between the short story and "literature of the 17-year period" in terms of the growth motif, mode of narration, the handling of interpersonal relations, etc. , readers can pereeive the complex discontinuity and links between "the new period" and "the 17-year period". Meanwhile, Love Is Not to Be Forgotten has rewritten the growth version of "literature of the 17 - year period" and has advanced the manifesto for love and growth for the several generations who are under the impact of the growth version.
Zhang Jie
traumatic literature
"literature of the 17-year period"