With the real estate industry's booming in China, the scale of mortgage backed loan is enlarged. At the end of the last year, " JianYuan 2005 - 1" was born and this indicates the mortgage backed securitization has been started up in China. The research on pricing MBS has become the hot topic in the securitization field. This paper summarizes western pricing method and native relative studies, analyzes the main factors influencing the price of MIlS in China, and sets up a pricing frame based on the static spread pricing method. This paper computes the price of "JianYuan 2005 - 1" under tiffs pricing method, analyzes the results. The results show that. Under the prepayment model based on the borrower' s disposable income and the price of the house, asset pool' s prepayment risk is higher, asset pool is sensitive to interest fate's fluctuation, required yield is higher
Special Zone Economy