Objective To investigate measures of preventing asphyxia neonatorum in order to reduce the rate of asphyxia neonatorum. Methods Clinical datas on a total of 78 cases of critical asphyxia neonatorum from the year 2003- 2004 in Longgang Central Hospital were collected and analyzed. Related high risk factors and effective precaution measures of reducing the rate of asphyxia neonatorum were studied. Results The rate of asphyxia neonato- rum from January 2003 to December 2004 was 4.22 % ,of which it was 1.70 % of Critical asphyxia neonatorum and 8 % of treated deaths. The first seven related factors to critical asphyxia neonatorum of this group Were:fetal distress (47 % ), premature delivery (49 % ), umbilical factors-torsion, prolapse, shortening (32 % ), breech presentation (26%),highrisk PIH(14%),monstrosity(6%),placental abruption and placenta praevia(6%).Conclusion Effective measures of reducing critical asphyxia neonatorum are to strengthen the monitoring of pregnant women and their antenatal care so as to find and treat PIH early and correct breech presentation in time, try to reduce premature delivery,find early and properly treat fetal distress and oafs and prohibit illegal accouchement.
Chinese Journal of Primary Medicine and Pharmacy
Asphyxia neonatorum
Fetal distress