1991年10月,Y8 0702架机和Y8 0705架机相继申请特许飞行证,民航局适航司授权上海航空器审定中心对该两架机进行适航审查。这两次审查虽然是针对同一型号的两架飞机,但本质上是有区别的:前者是基本上通过了适航审查,等待发证的飞机,后者则是一架军机(出口国外作军用,在本次特许飞行中作为备份)。我们以前未进行过这方面的审查。
At present,we are still lacking in experience in the aspect of airworthiness examination of the special flight certificate.Thus,the article,taking Y8 plane for example,approaches in details some problems which should be paid attention to,as follows: 1.To correctly differentiate the categories of certificates and conduct airworthiness examination accordingly; 2.To inspect earnestly the present technical situation of the aircraft,seeing whether it has flying capability; 3.To investigate and study the historical situation of that type of aircraft.