
近期部分资源国调整石油政策的原因及影响——访徐小杰、徐世澄、童晓光、曾兴球 被引量:3

Ongoing Changes in the Oil Policies of Oil-Producing Countries and Implications——Interview with Xu Xiaojie,Xu Shicheng,Tong Xiaoguang and Zeng Xingqiu
摘要 近一个时期,部分石油资源国先后调整本国的石油政策,加强了对本国石油资源的控制,引起了国际社会的广泛关注。本刊约请部分专家就这一情况产生的内因、外因、特点、趋势以及可能产生的影响进行了讨论。专家们一致认为,在新的国际能源政治格局下,我国有关部门和企业应深入研究相关国家石油政策的变化,审慎决策,在互利双赢的原则下与相关国家和地区进行能源合作,遵守国际惯例,进一步推进我国石油企业在这些国家和地区的国际化经营,以实践胡锦涛主席倡导的“互利合作、多元发展、协同保障”的新的能源安全观。 Acombination of factors is bringing profound changes to the global energy landscape, as evidenced by the increasing control exercised by some oil-producing countries over their oil resources. Russia, Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador and Chad among other oil- producing nations are all stepping up efforts to tighten their grip on oil resources, a move with profound implications for the global oil industry. To gain deeper insight into this emerging trend, we interviewed a group of experts, including among others Mr. Xu Xiaojie, head of the Overseas Investment Environment Office, CNPC Economic and Technology Research Institute, Mr. Xu Shicheng, research fellow with the Latin America Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Mr.Tong Xiaoguang, academician at the Chinese Academy of Engineering and China National Oil Development Corporation advisor, and Mr. Zeng Xingqiu, former Sinochem chief geologist. Our topics were focused on the following issues: adjustments made by the oil-producing countries to their oil policies; internal and external reasons for and characteristics of this tightening government grip on oil resources; global response to the adjustments; trends and consequences expected to result and how Chinese oil companies should respond to this new development. Given the new global energy landscape, Chinese oil authorities and businesses, according to the experts, should keep a close eye on policy changes by the oil-producing countries, seek energy cooperation with those countries and regions on a reciprocal basis, and expand operations there guided by the new concept of energy security (reciprocal cooperation, diversified development and joint guarantee of energy security) advocated by President Hu Jintao. A
作者 海松
出处 《国际石油经济》 2006年第10期1-7,共7页 International Petroleum Economics
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