
英汉语码转换在英语课堂上的应用分析 被引量:6

The Analysis and Application of the Teacher's English-Chinese Code-switching in English Classroom
摘要 从信息型英汉语码转换和情感型英汉语码转换两个角度进行分析研究,得出英语课堂上英汉语码转换的功能,成因和原则。其功能表现在从信息和情感角度进行英汉语码转换以提高荚语学习效率;成因涉及到母语在目的语中的空缺,目的语在语义内容和应用范围上同母语的区别,参与课堂教学和活动的师生的语言知识、地位、年龄、经历、受教育程度、性别、对英语的掌握程度等;原则分三个角度论述,即目的语优先原则,适时适量使用母语原则,顺应原则。既提倡最大程度上使用目的语言,同时又肯定适时适量使用母语的辅助作用。 This article is based on the review of the concept of code-switching and the researches on the classroom code-switching. With the analysis of the English-Chinese code-switching materials obtained from his classes, the author analyzes the functions and causes of the English-Chinese code-switching from the perspectives of informational English-Chinese code-switching and emotional English-Chinese code-switching. Further more, the author suggests the principles that teacher can apply English-Chinese code-switching in the classroom and emphasizes the utmost use of the native language (Chinese) in suitable time and quantity.
出处 《河北理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2006年第4期184-188,共5页 Journal of Hebei Polytechnic University:Social Science Edition
关键词 语码转换 英语课堂 英汉 英汉语码转换 code-switching English classroom English-Chinese English-Chinese code-switching
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