
青少年自我表露和自我隐瞒的特点及其与主观幸福感的关系 被引量:45

Self-disclosure and Self-concealment in Adolescence and the Relationship between them and Subjective Well-being
摘要 采用问卷调查的方法,对691名初一至大四学生的自我表露和自我隐瞒特点及其与主观幸福感的关系进行了研究。结果表明:(1)女生对父亲、母亲以及最好同性朋友的表露高于男生,自我隐瞒则低于男生。(2)初中生对母亲的表露高于高中生;中学生对最好同性朋友的表露低于大学生;青少年对最好异性朋友的表露随年级增长而提高。(3)独生子女对最好同性朋友和最好异性朋友的表露显著低于非独生子女。(4)青少年自我表露时对目标人的偏爱也存在性别和年级差异。(5)多元回归分析表明,对父母的表露能正向预测生活满意度;对父亲和最好异性朋友的表露能正向预测正性情感;自我隐瞒和对父亲的表露分别能正向和负向预测负性情感。 A survey using a cluster sampling of adolescence was conducted to investigate the characteristics of self-disclosure and self-concealment in adolescence and the relationship between them and subjective well-being. 691 adolescents participated in filling in an anonymous questionnaire. The results indicated that girls disclosed more to fathers, mothers and their best same-sex friends but concealed less than boys. There were significant grade differences with adolescent self-disclosure to mothers, their best same-sex and cross-sex friends. The only-child children disclosed less to their best same-sex and cross-sex friends than non-only-child children did. The target person that adolescents preferred to disclose to also differed across genders and grades. A multiple regression analysis showed that disclosure to parents positively predicted life satisfaction, disclosure to both fathers and the best cross-sex friends positively predicted positive affect, disclosure to fathers negatively predicted negative feelings while self-concealment positively predicted negative feelings.
出处 《心理发展与教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第4期83-90,共8页 Psychological Development and Education
关键词 青少年 自我表露 自我隐瞒 主观幸福感 特点 adolescents self-disclosure self-concealment subjective well-being
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