

The Comparison between "the Theory between Language and Meaning in the Wei and Jin Period" and"the Viewpoint of Language of Western" ——Taking Heidegger and Gadamer as Examples
摘要 语言与意义生成之间的关系是东西方哲学界共同关心的话题。在中国,魏晋时期的言意之辨堪称对这一问题的集中讨论;在西方,海德格尔、加达默尔的语言本体论对此问题作出高度思辨性的解说。双方看法相去甚远,但均以各自文化背景为依托,可谓仁者见仁、智者见智。因此,简单套用任何一方的模式评判另一方,均是对对方的蔑视与歪曲;只有在相互承认对方理论价值的基础上,双方才能够进行平等对话。 The philosophers of the East and the West both concern the topic about the relationship between language and generation of meaning. In China," the argument on the relationship between language and meaning" in the Wei and Jin period is regarded as concentrative discussion on that topic. In the West," the ontology of language" of Heidegger and Gadamer expounds it thoughtfully. Though their opinions are very different, both of them are based on their own cultural background and have their own importance. Therefore, we would disdain and distort an opinion if we judge it with the criterion of the other opinion simply. Both sides couldn' t communicate equally until they could recognize the theoretical value of the other side mutually.
作者 李凯
出处 《齐鲁学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第6期32-36,共5页 Qilu Journal
关键词 魏晋时期 言意观 语言本体论 意义生成 the Wei and Jin period the theory on the relationship between language and meaning the ontology of language generation of meaning
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