
氧张力与软骨组织工程 被引量:3

Oxygen tension and cartilage tissue engineering
摘要 氧足细胞成活和调节细胞代谢的重要因素。软骨组织一直被认为是一种缺氧组织,正常关节软骨没有血管供应,其氧供只能依靠周围滑液的渗透作用。目前软骨组织工程种子细胞基本采用标准氧培养环境,氧张力为20%~21%,距体内正常软骨细胞和间充质干细胞氧张力环境有很大差距。本文综述了近年来有关氧张力对软骨细胞和间充质十细胞生物学作用的研究进展。 Cartilage has often been thought of as an anaerobic tissue. However, oxygen levels in standard culture conditions is 20%-21% ,which is hyper-physiologic for cartilage tissue engineering cell types,including chondrocytes and bone-man'ow derived MSCs. As a regulating agent of chondrogenesis,oxygen has gained increasing attention. This article reviewed the development of oxygen levels in cartilage tissue engineering.
出处 《创伤外科杂志》 2006年第6期565-567,共3页 Journal of Traumatic Surgery
基金 广东省自然科学基金(0630151)
关键词 氧张力 软骨 组织工程 oxygen tension cartilage tissue engineering
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