Objective To investigate the clinical significance of urinary intedeukin-1β(IL-1β),interleukin-1 receptor antagonist( IL-lra), rnonoeyte chernoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) in children with Henoeh-Sehonlein purprua nephritis(HSPN) and IgA glomerular nephritis (IgAGN). Methods The levels of IL-1β,IL-lra and MCP-1 in urine samples collected from 25 patients with HSPN, 23 patients with IgAGN and 30 healthy subjects were determined. The urinary leves of IL-lra, MCP-1 were determined by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) ,and the urinary level of IL-1β by means of radioimmunoassay. Results There was insignificant difference in the urinary level of IL-lra amoing the patients with IgAN, patients with HSPN and healthy subjects( P 〉0.05). The urinary level of IL-1β in the patients with HSPN or IgAGN was significantly higher than that in the healthy subjects ( P 〈 0. 01). IL-lra/IL-1β ratio in the patients with HSPN or IgAGN was significantly lower than that in the healthy subjects ( P 〈0. 05). The urinary level of MCP-1 in the patients HSPN or IgAGN was significantly higher than that in the healthy subjects ( P 〈0. 01 or P 〈 0. 05). The level of MCP-1 in the patients with HSPN was significantly higher than that in the patients with IgAGN ( P 〈0. 01). The urinal levels IL-lra and IL-1β and IL-lra/IL-1β ratio were not correlate with 24-hour urine total protcin(UTP) (r = 0. 038,r = 0. 023,r = 0. 15, P 〉0.05). However, MCP-1 level in urine was positively correlated with 24- hour UTP(r = 0. 48, P 〈 0.05). Conelusions The urinary levels of IL-lra, IL-1β and MCP-1 in the patrents with HSPN were incompletely identical with those in the in patients with IgAGN. The detection of IL-lra,IL-1β and MCP-1 in the urine of the patients with HSPN or IgAGN may be used as a clinical index to reflect immuno inflammatory cell infiltration levels in the kidney,and it also indicates that nephropathia and activity and development of the disease in the patients with HSPN or IgAGN.
Military Medical Journal of South China
Henoeh-Sehonlein purprua nephritis
IgA glomerular nephritis