6OECD Frascati Manual, Sixth edition, 2002, para. 64, page 30. Basic research is experimental or theoretical work undertak- en primarily to acquire new knowledge of the underlying founda- tions of phenomena and observable facts, without any particular application or use in view.
7Basic research and national goals, A report to the committee onscience and astronautics, U.S. House of representatives, by the National Academy of Sciences [ EB/OL ] . http:// www. springerlink, com/content/p3qg753j4t200130/.
8Science in the National Interest[ EB/OL]. http ://clintonl. na- ra. gov/White _ House/EOP/OSTP/Science/html/Sitni Home. html.
10Pavitt, K. Public Policies to Support Basic Research: What Can the Rest of the World Learn from US Theory and Practice (and What They Should Not Learn) [ J]. Industrial and Corpo- rate Change, 2001,10 (3) :761-779.