
人眼3D肌肉控制模型 被引量:10

3D Muscle-Controlled Eye Model
摘要 根据解剖学原理及人眼运动特征,提出了一种人眼3D肌肉控制模型·该模型由内部模型和外部模型组成,其3D运动由3类共8条肌肉控制·模型建模及驱动比较方便,并已在PC机上进行了模拟·模拟结果表明,人眼模型逼真,可较好地模拟人眼运动及表情· A 3D Muscle controlled eye(3D-MCE) model is presented in this paper. According to the eye anatomy and moving characteristics, the eye model consists of two parts-the inner model and the outer model, controlled by eight pieces of muscle which respectively belong to three different categories. In terms o{ the model, the modeling and animation of eyes are convenient. Experiments on PC show that the eye model proposed may well express eyes and simulate eye movement.
出处 《计算机辅助设计与图形学学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2006年第11期1710-1716,共7页 Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics
关键词 人眼3D肌肉控制模型 人眼内部模型 人眼外部模型 3D muscle controlled eye model inner eye model outer eye model
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