作者应用国产电动式腰椎间盘抽吸仪(automatic intervertebral dissecition,APLD)治疗腰椎间盘突出症15例。其中症状、体证明显级解11例,占73.3%;有所缓解3例,占20%:症状。体征无缓解1例占6.7%。并对国产电动式腰椎间盘抽吸仪的治疗机理及优缺点进行了分析讨论。
cases of prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc treated by using APLD。 Theresult shows that 73. 3% of cases are obviously effective, 20 effevtive,and 6.7without effect.This operation,which can move out the tissue and decrease the pressure in the intervertebraldiscs,is easy to perform and has a higher safety。 Patients will recover in shorter time and haveless damage in the tissue after the operation。
Journal of Ningxia Medical College