
运输商选择与配送中心选址联合优化研究——基于供应链系统观念 被引量:2

Joint Optimization Research on Transporters Selection and Distribution Centers Location——Based on Systematic Idea of Supply Chain
摘要 系统观念是供应链管理的一个重要思想,它要求将供应链做为一个各环节相互联系的有机整体,而不是孤立的阶段。本文基于供应链管理的系统观念,将传统上孤立研究的运输商选择问题与配送中心选址问题结合起来,考虑供应链核心企业管理多个运输商的成本(文中称为C成本),建立运输商——配送中心联合优化模型[TDJOM],以实现供应链中这两个问题领域的联合优化,实现整体最优,同时设计了一种启发式算法,将非线性规划转为线性规划求解,避免了现有的各种非线性规划求解算法往往只能求得近似最优解的缺陷。本文用算例证明了模型和算法的有效性。 Systematic idea is an important idea in supply chain management. It asks us to look supply chain as an organic integer, links of which arc not isolated but interrelated. Based on such idea, this paper joins the research of transporters selection and distribution centers location, which are studied isolated traditionally. Considering the management cost of the transporters Called C-cost), we set up the joint optimization model of transporters and distribution centers [TDJOM], in order to achneve the joint optimization of this two areas. This paper also designs a heuristic algorithm to convert NLP to LP. This heuristic algorithm can avoid the drawback that existing algorithm solving NLP can only get approximate optimal solution frequently. This paper presents an example to identify the validity of the model and the algorithm.
作者 盛伟 陈伟达
机构地区 东南大学
出处 《物流科技》 2006年第11期85-88,共4页 Logistics Sci-Tech
关键词 供应链 运输商 配送中心 联合优化 启发式算法 supply chain transporter , distribution center joint optimization heuristic algorithm
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