目的调查北京市幼儿园3~4岁幼儿龋的患病情况,了解该年龄组儿童患龋的特点;并通过龋齿活动性实验研究,揭示这部分儿童口腔中细菌的产酸能力与龋齿严重程度的关系。方法以北京市5所幼儿园3~4岁的207名儿童为研究对象,行龋齿检查并采集菌斑和软垢混合样本进行龋活动性(Cariostat,Sankin Co,Tokyo)检查。结果该年龄组儿童患龋率为47.34%;龋均dmft(s):1.96±2,92(2.96±5.10),dt(s)=1,84±2.77(2.82±4,92);患龋儿童的龋均为dmft(s):4.14±3.00(6.24±5.88),dt(s)=3,90±2.86(5,94±5.70);其中重度低龄儿童龋(SECC)患儿53名,SECC发病率为25.60%;龋齿活动性比较,发现患龋组与无龋组在Cariostat值分布上有显著差异(P〈0.01)。结论本年龄组儿童一旦患龋累及牙齿和牙面多,但是治疗率很低;患龋组比无龋组龋齿活动性高。使用Cariostat龋齿活动检测有助于筛选龋齿易感者。
Objective To observe the prevalence of early childhood caries(ECC) in Beijing children aged 3-4 years old, and the relationship between caries and caries activity test (Cariostat). Methods Two hundred and seven children from five kindergartens in Beijing, aged 32 to 54 months, were examined. The plaque samples were collected from buccal surfaces, and incubated in the Cariostat test medium ( Cariostat, Sankin Co, Tokyo, Japan ) at 37℃ for 48 hours. SPSS software was used to analysis. Results Forty - seven point thirty four per cent of the children were with dental caries. The mean dmft(s) score of the children was 1.96 ± 2.92 (2.96 ±5.10), and dt(s) was 1.84 ± 2.77(2.82 ±4.92). The mean dmft(s) score of the children with caries was 4.14 ± 3.00(6.24 ± 5.88),dt(s) was 3.90 ± 2.86 ( 5.94 ± 5.70 ). The prevalence of severe early childhood caries (SECC) was 25.60 %. Cariostat test showed that most of the caries- free children were at low level and none at extremely high level, while most of the S - ECC children were at extremely high level ( P 〈 0.001 ). Conclusion Caries generally affected several teeth surfaces in 3 - 4 year - old children with caries tought the caries prevalence was not very high in the age children correspondingly, most of children with caries were not properly treated, and there was strong relationship between biologic factor and S- ECC.
Journal of Modern Stomatology
Early childhood caries(ECC) Severe early childhood caries(SECC) Caries activity test