调谐液体柱阻尼器TLCD(Tuned Liquid Column damper)是液柱式振动吸振器LCVA(Liquid Column Vibration Absorber)一种特殊形式。LCVA的U型管横截面积是非均匀的。对LCVA在简谐激励下的基本参数及响应进行理论分析。通过理论分析和数值模拟算例,可以得出LCVA是一种很有效的被动减振消能装置。
TLCD is a special form of LCVA. The cross-section of the LCVA is variable. This paper presents the theoretical investigation on the basic parameters and the structural responses of LCVA under harmonic excitation. Through the theoretical investigation and numerical simulation, it comes a conclusion that LCVA is a quite effective energy dissipation device.
Building Technology Development