2003年10月12日,全长404 km的中国第一条高速铁路——秦沈客运专线正式投入运行,开辟了我国高速铁路建设的一个新纪元。随后几年,我国高速铁路建设水平得到了逐步提升,尤其是近年来工程机械行业的快速健康发展,为高铁建设的配套提供了深厚的技术储备。技术水平的快速发展和配套能力的稳步提升。
On October 12, 2003, Qinhuangdao-Shenyang Passenger Dedicated Line, China's first high-speed railway that is 404 km long, was put into use, which inaugurated an epoch for China's high-speed railway construction. In the following years, China's high-speed railway construction level achieved a stepwise improve. Especially in recent several years, the rapid and healthy development of the construction machinery industry provided profound technical repertory for high-speed railway construction. The rapid development of technical levels and stable improvement of matched capacities have made China's highspeed railway construction a great pioneering work standing on the summit of speed.
Construction Machinery & Maintenance