Objective To study the effect of Qingre Yulin Decoction (QYD) on male infertility caused by accessory gland infection (AGI) with randomized controlled trial (RCT). Methods Sixty infertility outpatients were equally divided into two groups randomly, the QYD group treated with modified QYD and the control group with antibiotic plus vitamin E, both for 3 months with another 6 months' follow-up. Pregnant rates, routine test of sperm and expressed prostatic secretion (EPS) were determined. Results The healed rate was 26.7 % (8 cases), the markedly effective rate was 43.3 % (13 cases), the effective rate was 16.7 % (5 cases), and the total effective rate was 86.7% in the QYD group, while in the control group it was 6.7% (2), 30.0% (9), 40.0% (12) and 76.7% respectively, showing higher healed rate and total effective rate in the former than those in the latter. Sperm quality of infertility patients with AGI decreased obviously, manifesting short ened average liquefaction time, reduced concentration, survival rate and vitality of sperm. These abnormal changes were improved after treatment in both groups, and the efficacy was better in the QYD group than that in the control group. Conclusion Infertility patients with AGI were manifested as oligospermatism and asthenospermia, which may not be the definite outcome of AGI. QYD is able to improve sperm quality, especially sperm vitality in infertility patients with AGI and therefore increase pregnant rate of their wives.
Chinese Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine
Qingre Yulin Decoction infertility
accessory gland infection sperm