通过实验、仿真和等效电路模型分析方法对分立电感无桥Boost PFC电路电感电流上叠加有高频谐振电流的现象做出了详细的分析和研究,指出高频谐振是PFC分立电感与电路的寄生电容组成LC振荡回路所引起的,确定了谐振电流的路径和谐振频率的大小。同时对比分析了不同电感结构的无桥Boost PFC电路,指出分立电感结构是无桥Boost PFC电路产生高频谐振的重要条件。
The resonant phenomenon of Bridgeless Boost PFC with split inductors is analyzed using experiments, simulation and equivalent circuit methods. The high frequency resonant current is caused by the LC resonant loop made up by split inductors and parasitic capacitors. The details of resonant is characterized include frequency and path. Two types of Bridgeless Boost PFC with different inductor structures are compared and analyzed, and the conclusion is that split inductors structure is the key factor of resonant.
Power Supply Technologles and Applications