
北欧妇女参政:一个政治学维度的分析 被引量:2

Northern European Women's participation in Politics:An Analysis in Terms of Political dimension
摘要 19世纪末20世纪初,西方女权运动出现以争取妇女选举权为主题的第一次高潮,此后,北欧五国的妇女一直以高涨的参政热情和斐然的政治地位为世人瞩目。本文试图从参政主体素质及参政途径、参政客体中妇女的地位及作用等方面对北欧妇女参政进行政治学维度的考察,分析北欧妇女参政中蕴涵的政治学涵义,以期对我国的妇女参政有所启迪。 Western feminism peaked for the first time at the turn of the 20th century, highlighting women's struggle for suffrage. Women in the five Northern European countries have caught the world's eye by their enormous passion and prominent status on the political scene. This essay is a research in terms of political dimension on the Northern European women's participation in politics, dealing with the qualification of women as subject in political participation, and ways of participation and the role and function of women as object in political participation. It also analyzes the implication in political scienice of Northern European women's participation in politics which may have some enlightenment for Chinese women's political consciousness.
作者 肖莎 陈敏
出处 《国际论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第6期72-75,共4页 International Forum
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  • 1世界银行.《1994年世界发展报告》[M],中国财经出版社,1995年版,第163页
  • 2Mira Kelber, Women and Government :New ways to political power, (Connecticut& London: Westport, 1994), p. 136.
  • 3Inter-Parliamentary Union, The Participation of Women in thepolitical and Parliamentary Decision-Making Process: Reports and Conclusions (Geneva, 1989), p.38.
  • 4Lauri karvonen and Per Selle, Women in Nordic Politics: Closing the Gap, England: Dartmouth Publishing Company Ltd,1995, p. 135.
  • 5Mim Kelber, Women and Government: New ways to political power, (Connecticut & London: Westport, 1994), p. 105,156,135,61.
  • 6张迎红.试析欧洲国家提高妇女参政的“最低比例制”[J].欧洲研究,2004,22(3):117-128. 被引量:10
  • 7何洪泽,邹德浩.《各国议会联盟调查:妇女更多参与议会政治》,http://world.people.com.cn/GB/1029/42408/4149808.html.
  • 8V. Spike Peterson and Anne Sisson Runyan, Global gender issues (Westview Press, 1993), p. 51.
  • 9United Nations, Division for the Advancement of women,Women and Decision-Making, ( Vienna: United Nations,1989), pp. 8-10.
  • 10A United Nations Study, Women in politics and Decision-Making in the late Twentieth Century, ( Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1992), p. 46.


  • 1.欧盟委员会文件[EB/OL].http://www.europa.eu.int.,.
  • 2Council of Europe, Positive Action in the Field of Equality between Men and Women, EG-S-PA (2000) No. 7, p. 81.
  • 3Inter-Parliament Union, Women in Parliament 1945 - 1995, Geneva: IPU, 1995.
  • 4IPU, "Women in National Parliaments", 4 February 2002,http://www. ipu. org/wmn-e/world.
  • 5Joni Lovenduski and Azza Karam, Women in Parliament : Making a Difference, Women in Parliament, International IDEA, 2002, Stockholm, http ://www. ipu. org//wmn - e/world.
  • 6IPU, "Women in National Parliaments", 4 February 2002, http ://www. ipu. org/wmn-e/world..
  • 7Joni Lovenduski and Azza Karam,op. cit.
  • 8Joni Lovenduski and Azza Karam, op. cit..
  • 9Drude Dahlerup, Using Quota's to Increase Women's Political Representation, Women in Parliament, International IDEA, 2002, Stockholm, http ://www. ipu. org//wmn- e/world.
  • 10See the case study on India for more insight into women and politics in India.












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