
从DSP与SBIRS空间预警系统看多色焦平面阵列的应用 被引量:5

Applications of Multicolor FPA from the DSP and SBIRS Space Early Warning Systems
摘要 空间预警系统(SEWS)是美国弹道导弹战略防御体系(BMD)中不可缺少的组成部分,是一个高度集成、高精度的光机电一体化系统。文章以美国DSP和SB IRS空间预警系统为例进行分析,并根据多色红外焦平面的工作原理,探讨了多色红外焦平面器件在空间预警系统中的应用前景与可行性。DSP和SB IRS空间预警系统具有多波段(红外)的探测能力,其中2.7μm和4.3μm的波段探测采用不同材料的红外焦平面来完成,并具有相应的成像系统,这必然会提高系统的效率和结构的精简。文中以提高空间预警系统的效率为出发点,对采用多色红外焦平面替代多种单色焦平面完成多波段探测的可行性进行了论述。 As an indisponsable part of the Strategic Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) System, the Space Early Warning System(SEWS) is a highly integrated and high-precision optical-mechatronic system. In this paper, the DSP and SBIRS SEWS of the United States are taken as examples to be analyzed, and the application feasibility for multi-color infrared focal plane arrays (IRFPA) in the SEWS is discussed according to the operating principles of the multi-color IRFPA. The DSP and SBIRS SEWS possess multi-band (infrared) detectability. Different materials are adopted in the IRFPA of them for the bands 2.7μm and 4.3μm, and the corresponding imaging systems are utilized, which necessarily affects efficiency of the systems and their structural refinement. In order to improve efficiency of the SEWS, this article discusses the feasibility of a muhicolor IRFPA substituting for multiple focal plane arrays to complete multi-band detection.
出处 《激光与红外》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第11期1016-1019,共4页 Laser & Infrared
关键词 DSP SBIRS SEWS 多色焦平面阵列 空间扫描 DSP SBIRS SEWS multi-color focal planes arrays space scan
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