下一代网络(NGN)采用parlay API(App lication Programm ing Interface)技术可以提供丰富多彩的业务。先分析NGN中利用Parlay API提供新业务的网络结构,提出了基于parlay API的号码翻译业务完整处理流程,并重点叙述了账号注册、呼叫以及用户鉴权三种具有代表性的流程,最后针对业务中对终端用户鉴权上parlay协议的不完善,扩展了部分API.使用parlay API的号码翻译流程,可以快速开发出如“个人通用号码”等具体增值业务。
Based on Parlay API, various services, including Number Translation Service(NTS) ,can be developed in NGN network. The network architecture to provide new service is studied at first. Then the integrated process flows of NTS based on Parlay API are brought forward, of which the account registration, calling, user authentication process flows are taken for examples. At last, new APIs are proposed to deal with shortcoming in user authentication process flow. Using NTS process flows, particular number translation service, such as "UPT", can be provided quickly.
Computer & Digital Engineering