目的 观察血细胞单采去除术联合化疗治疗骨髓增殖性疾病的疗效。方法 38例骨髓增殖性疾病进行血细胞单采去除术每周1~2次,同时给予羟基脲化疗,结果 经治疗性血细胞去除术,慢性粒细胞白血病(CML)患者外周血白细胞由(251.42±200.67)×10^9降至(100.31±31.28)×10^9,原性性血小板增多症(ET)患者血小板由(1527.3±243.5)×10^9降至(452.1±156.3)×10^-9,真性红细增多症(PV)患者血红蛋白由(231.5±35.6)g/L降至(152.2±19.1)g/L,同时患者临床症状也明显改善。结论 血细胞单采去除术联合化疗可迅速减轻骨髓增殖性疾病患者的临床症状。
Objective To study the efficacy of the hemapheresis in conjunction with chemotherapy for myeloproliferative diseases. Methords Hemapheresis was done once or twice weekly, followed hy hydroxyurea chemotherapy in 38 patients with of myeloproliferative diseases. Results After therapeutic hemocytes apheresis, peripheral white blood cell counts of patients with CML decreased from (251.42 ± 200.67) × 10^9 to ( 100. 31±31,28)×10^9 , platelet counts of patients with ET decreased from ( 1527. 3±243. 5) ×10^9 to (452.1± 156.3)× 10^9, hemoglobin concentrations of patients with PV decreased frma (231.5±35.6) g/L to ( 152.2±19.1 ) g/L. Clinical symptoms of the patients improved dramatically. Conclusion This methord can relieve clinical symptoms rapidly.
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine