
信息技术投资对我国商业银行绩效的影响——从ATM的角度分析 被引量:6

Impact of Information Technology Investment on Bank Performance in China: An Empirical Evaluation of ATM
摘要 回顾了国内外有关商业银行IT投资对其绩效影响的研究,在传统共谋假说验证模型的基础上,加入IT投资变量,并应用ATM安装数量作为IT投资的衡量变量,对我国银行业中有代表性的14家商业银行1995—2002年期间的数据进行了实证分析。结果表明,除了其它股份制商业银行ROA外,ATM投资对四大国有商业银行ROA、ROE以及其它股份制商业银行ROE都具有正面的影响,但在具体的影响程度上却存在着显著的差异。通过分析,本文认为,伴随着四大国有商业银行ATM投资进人平稳期,其对绩效的影响也会趋于平稳,而其它股份制商业银行随后将会加大ATM投资力度,其投资收益必然会不断增长,最终也趋于平稳。 Prior study of the impact of IT investment on bank performance was reviewed.Based on the test model of traditional collusion hypothesis,this paper adds variable of IT investment measured by ATM number,empirically analyzes the impact of ATM investment on bank performance with data from 14 major banks in China through 1995-2002.We find that ATM investment has positive impact on ROE of all banks and ROA of the four state-owned commercial banks except ROA of the ten incorporated commercial banks,but it has significantly different impact degree among the four state-owned commercial banks and the ten incorporated commercial banks.Through analyzing the causes of the difference,we conclude that the four state-owned commercial banks will be confronted with a period of ATM steady investment and payoff,while the ten incorporated commercial banks will increase ATM investment,and the payoff will increase to final steady.
出处 《当代经济科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第6期48-53,共6页 Modern Economic Science
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(70273034) 西安交通大学"985工程"二期项目"经济社会可持续发展中的金融创新研究"
关键词 信息技术 自动柜员机 资产收益率 资本收益率 Information technology ATM Return on assets Return on Equity
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