In Chinese history, poetry is the kernel of all the literary arts. Poetic cultivation and poetic spirit are the important features of the tradition of Chinese euhure. So mueh of poetry in the novel Dream in the Red Chamber is diffieuh for the foreign readers to understand and they feel it unneeessary in the novel. This is the eonfliet of different euhural baekgrounds. In my opinion, the novel is about Bao Yu's experienees with Xue Bao-ehai, IAn Dai-yu and Shi Xiang-yun, showing their vieissitudes of life and their honor and disgraee the great strueture of the novel. The poetry in Dream in the Red Chamber written by Cao Xue-qin not only expresses the characters'dispositions, talents, life and interest but also carries a foreshadowing of what is to follow later in the story. If we appreeiate the poems in an ordinary way, we will not get the real meanings of them. The speeial art skill of Cao Xue-qin is unique in the novel poetry, without parallel in history, leaving no sueeessors.
Journal of Xuzhou Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
Dream in the Red Chamber
Hongmei poems
poetic culture