

The Role of Australian Aid in China's Economic Growth
摘要 从中国现代化建设之需要和澳大利亚经济、政治考量的双重视角,探讨澳大利亚政府发展援助(ODA)对我国1978年以来现代化建设的作用和意义,有助于我们加深对中澳关系的理解,促进相互间的进一步友好合作。澳大利亚是西方最早并长期坚持援华的国家之一,澳援为我国应对现代化进程中产生的经济、社会问题,对我国市场经济建设和可持续发展均产生了积极有益的作用。 Viewed from a dual perspective of China's modernization needs and Australia's economic and political considerations, this paper deals with Australia's official development assistance (ODA) to China since the inception of China's new plan for modernization in late 1978. The Australian aid to China, though without figuring prominently in China's total ODA inflow, has generated not only mutual economic benefits but also unique political significance. As a Western nation and one of the earliest donors for China, Australia has continuously played a role, via economic aid, in promoting good governance, helping advance rural development, management of environment and natural resources, as well as supporting to improve basic health of the rural poor and China's reform of its educational system. Australia's aid assists to address China's domestic social and economic problems and to facilitate its transition to market economy and sustainable development.
作者 侯敏跃
出处 《华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第6期83-88,共6页 Journal of East China Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
关键词 澳大利亚 对华援助 优惠贷款计划 政府事务管理援助 Australia's aid to China, favored loan plan, administration of governmental affair
  • 相关文献


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  • 2Canberra Green Words (ed.),Commercial Benefits from Development Cooperation with China,AIDAB,1993.
  • 3AIDAB,Australia's Overseas Aid Progran 1987-1988,Canberra:Australian Government Publishing Service (AGPS),1987.
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  • 6AusAID,Australia's Overseas Aid Program 2000-2001,AGPS,2000.
  • 7AusAID,Australia and China:Supporting Reform and Development,Aid Program Strategy 2000-2001,2000.
  • 8Commonwealth of Australia,Commonwealth Parliametary Debates,Senate,6 August,1996.
  • 9Ravi Tomar,A Difference of Opinion:Cancellation of the Development Import Finance Facility,current issues brief No.20,1995-1996,Department of the Parliamentay Library,Australia,1996.
  • 10Commonwealth of Australia,Commonwealth Parliamentary Debates,House of Representatives,17 June,1996.








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