
寿命分布的卷积变换与关联变换 被引量:1

Convolution and Relevation Transforms of Certain Classes of Life Distributions
摘要 本文讨论两元件冷储备系统和热储备系统。证明了如果在线工作的元件的寿命分别具有指数分布、NBU分布、NBUE分布和NBUC分布,则冷储备系统的寿命长度随机等于、随机大于、平均大于和依递增凸序大于热储备系统的寿命长度。 The two-unit cold standby system and the two-unit warm standby system are discussed. It is shown that, for the unit operating online with any life distribution, the total life length of the cold standby system is stochastically equal to, stochastically larger than, larger in expectation than and larger in increasing convex order than the total life length of the warm standby one if the standby unit is exponential, NBU, NBUE and NBUC distributed, respectively.
作者 李伯德
出处 《工程数学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第6期1109-1112,共4页 Chinese Journal of Engineering Mathematics
基金 兰州商学院科研资助项目(0409041)
关键词 NBU NBUE NBUC 冷储备系统 热储备系统 卷积变换 关联变换 NBU NBUE NBUC cold standby system warm standby system convolution transform relevation transform
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