
矩形缺陷的交变漏磁检测信号分析方法 被引量:2

The Method of Signal Analysis of Alternating Magnetic Flux Leakage Inspection for the Rectangular Flaw
摘要 利用ANSYS仿真软件,首先对交变漏磁检测中影响矩形缺陷信号的各项因素进行了分析,并以此为基础,提出了以矩形缺陷为基本单元的信号分析方法。利用该方法分析了截面为梯形和圆形,及其它任意形状的直线裂纹的检测信号特点,同时也分析了圆弧形裂纹以及其他任意形状的非直线裂纹的检测信号特点,并对上述不同类型缺陷的识别进行了详细的论述。 Based on the analysis of each factor which affected the flaw detection by use of alternating magnetic flux leakage, the method of signal analysis based on the rectangular flaw was expounded. The flaws which section is trapeziform, circular, arc and other linear and non linear were analyzed, and the flaw recognition model for each kind of flaw was given.
作者 康中尉
出处 《无损检测》 北大核心 2006年第11期565-568,586,共5页 Nondestructive Testing
关键词 交变漏磁检测 缺陷识别 信号分析 Alternating magnetic flux leakage inspection Flaw recognition Signal analysis
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