儿童感觉统合失调(Sensory Integration Dysfunction,SID)被认为是与现代生活模式有关的一种时代疾病,该病在学龄前及学龄儿童中发病率较高[1]。相当数量的感觉统合失调障碍儿童的存在,严重影响儿童的心理健康、困扰着我国教育的发展,尤其影响着素质教育质量的提高。为帮助感觉统合失调儿童摆脱困难,为促进教育的发展,提高基础教育的质量,近年来国内外对感觉统合失调的病因、表现及训练矫正方法研究越来越多,逐步成为世界范围内教育的一个重要科研课题。
Sensory Integration Dysfunction (SID) is considered to be a contemporary disease relating to the modern lifestyle with a pretty high incidence among the pre - school and school children. There are a fair number of children suffering from the disabilities caused by SID. This can severely affect children' s mental health and thus hold back the educational development, especially on the part of quality education. To help the children afflicted with SID out of the difficulty, for the sake of the educational development and the improvement of the quality of basic education, more and more research work in SID has been carried out in recent years, concerning its reusons, manifestation and the corrective therapy. SID has been growing into an important worldwide subject in education.
Sensory Integration
Literature Review