Objective Aim To find out a possible and practical method for the early diagnosis of small liver lesions by grey scale ultrasound. Methods Sixty cases of patients were found to have small liver lesions under scanning by ultrasound, while there were 34 cases proved as primary hepatical carcinoma, 14 cases as hemangioma, 6 cases as focal liver deficit, 3 cases as tumor like nodules. Their shape and charateristics under two dimentional ultrasound were compared and analyzed. Results We found 88 % of the small carcinoma lesions were hypoechoic, while the other cases were slightly hyperechoic or hyperechoic. Nodules of carcinoma were regularly round or oval shape, most of them could be found with a integument or a halo. And most of these lesions could be detect out centrical or peripheral blood flow signals. Among those benign lesions, most of them were hyperechoic with an irregular shape ( parts of them were hypoechoic with an oval shape), no complete integument or halo, and blood signals could be found rarely. Conclusion Careful differentiation on the features of small liver lesions under two dimentional ultrasound were of helpful to the early diagnosis of small malignant liver lesions.
Journal of Clinical Ultrasound in Medicine
Hepatic carcinoma