In recent years, we have used different methods of mechanical circulation assistance (MCA) in treating 7 patients who suffered severe low cardiac output syndrome (LCOS)and CPB be discontinued. Of these patients,CPB stopped smoothly in 6 cases; 5 survived and 2 died.MCA time of 7 cases was 6-96 hours,mean 37.1 hours. One case had isochemia of right lower extremity.The author claim that preoperation for MCA should be done early when patient's preoperative cardiac function is very polr and myocardial protection isn't satisfactory during operation. Intraaortic BalloonCounterpulsation (IABP) is performed as soon as possible when medication is ineffective on LCOS. If IABP can't makehemodynamics stable; IABP and Left Ventricular Assist Device must be taked together; MCA should be withdrowed early when emodynamics stable, It's suitable for ACT to maintain around 200' during MCA; The roll-pump also can be used in Left Ventricular Assist Device satisfactorily.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery
Low cardiac output syndrome Mechanical circulation assistance Left ventricular assist device Intraaortic balloon counterpulsation