随着光通信技术的发展,如何在光网络中提供较好的容错路由成为光网络的主要研究内容.本文在Johnson网络模型中通过对结点位串中相异子串的转换运算,先找出网络中的任意结点间最短路,在寻找次短路时在源结点和目标结点的相同位串中转换一位后再在不同位串上应用最短路算法,最终提出一种按预先商定模式(pre-negotiated mode)的容错路由,使全光Johnson网络J(n,k)中任意两结点之间存在k条内部不相交的路,它们由最短路与次短路组成.
With the development of Optical communication technique,how to provide better fault tolerant routing performance become the fundamental problem. A networks model derive from Johnson graph is studied in this paper, the shortest paths which connect every two nodes are found by converting the different sub-string of the node's symbol string,this measure is applied again together with converting one symbol of the same sub-string of two nodes in search of the path which is just longer than shortest path. A fault tolerant routing strategy of pre-negotiated mode for all optical Jhonson networks J(n,k) is proposed in this paper ,according to this routing strategy the source nodes and destination nodes of an all-optical Jhonson network are connected by k internal disjoint communication paths ,Their length are either equal to shortest path or the path just 1 step longer than the shortest path.
Journal of Xiamen University:Natural Science